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CISLA's 2024 End-of-Year Matching Challenge

Help CISLA Address the Summer Learning Gap!
We found that during the summer months, students living in low-income areas are more likely to experience unsupervised time, adult pressures (e.g., caretaking, working), and even abuse, neglect, and violence, while middle- and higher-income children are more likely to spend their summers engaged in activities and programs that reinforce learning.
The reality is that many children living in low-income communities have limited access to enrichment programming and opportunities. As a result, over time, students fall further behind their peers who participate in summer learning opportunities every year.
This phenomenon is called the Summer Learning Gap.
To address the gap and meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable students across Los Angeles, the Summer Launch to Success program provides enriching engagement and programming for incoming freshmen students on five high school campuses. The programming includes physical and mental health and wellness, visual and performing arts, and healthy peer relationship building.
The program curriculum, centered on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), one of CISLA’s core strengths, introduces students who are at an educational crossroads to resources they have in school, across the LA region, and ultimately within themselves for academic success and their overall well-being.
By investing in summer programs for low-income students, we not only bolster their academic success but also cultivate a foundation for lifelong learning and empowerment, making a tangible difference in their lives.
Be the reason why a student has access to the support and resources they need to succeed in school and beyond. Donate to our End - of -year matching campaign now!